San Francisco Disability Business Alliance

San Francısco

Disability Business Alliance

Empowerment through Entrepreneurship

SFDBA Bay Area Disability Entrepreneurship Event

Join us for the 4th annual Bay Area Disability Entrepreneurship Event on Wednesday October 16th from 5:30-8:30pm for our business after hours with networking, FoundAble Professionals in Practice Panel, art, food, and the first annual Boost Awards sponsored by CIBC! 

Register here!

SFDBA Future Entrepreneur Cohort

The SFDBA Future Entrepreneur Cohort is an 8 week program that meets once a week at the Hej! Industrious co-working space on 945 Market Street in San Francisco. This program will help budding entrepreneurs identify their interests and formulate a proto-business plan, expand their network, and identify sources of capital to help launch and sustain their business. Each participant will also receive 1:1 technical assistance, referrals, access to networking, and a mentor if requested. Register now!

Small Business Week 2024

On Wednesday May 8th, the San Francisco Disability Business Alliance in partnership with the San Francisco Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) hosted our 4th annual Small Business Week event.

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Future Entrepreneur Participant Success

Arc SF & SFDBA Future Entrepreneur participant and self-published author Connie Chu participated in the Wine and Book Tasting event at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco

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3rd Annual Bay Area Disability Entrepreneurship Event

On Thursday November 9th 2023 the San Francisco Disability Business Alliance hosted its 3rd annual Bay Area Disability Entrepreneurship event located at the elegant Elks#3 on 450 Post Street, San Francisco

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Get involved!


For interested small businesses, entrepreneurs, or allies, contact us here to learn how to get involved in the SFDBA.

Another way that you can get involved with the SFDBA is through making a chartable contribution.


SFDBA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID (EIN) 88-4265453



SFDBA HELD the second bay area disability eNTREPRENEURSHIP week. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE.




Click here to read about SFDBA’s successful launch event!




One in ten San Franciscans currently identify with having at least one disability that affects their day to day lives.

San Francisco Disability Business Alliance is a pioneering new initiative

to build a powerful and integrated community of

businesses owned by people with disabilities.

By providing access to business development support, nurturing entrepreneurial opportunities, galvanizing procurement and supply chain connections to major corporations, and by advocating for effective local government policies, entrepreneurs with d…

By providing access to business development support, nurturing entrepreneurial opportunities, galvanizing procurement and supply chain connections to major corporations, and by advocating for effective local government policies, entrepreneurs with disabilities will have an increased opportunity and space to both grow or develop a business. The SFDBA will ensure that individuals with disabilities have an equal and inclusive opportunity to make their mark in the business world and ensure that San Francisco benefits fully from the expertise, diversity, and innovation these businesses and individuals have to offer.



Business owners more readily self-identiying with their disabilities in the broader business community


Overall economic sustainability, autonomy and prosperity for individuals and their families


Thriving independent business owned by PWD, integrated into broader San Francisco business community