Digital Accessibility

1 in 10

Number of San Franciscans (96,000) with a disability (SF Human Services Agency)


$13 Trillion

Annual disposable income including friends and family (The Return on Disability Group – Annual Report 2020)


Homepages  inaccessible to people with disabilities (2024 report by WebAIM)

As part of our mission to support the Disability community, SFDBA is committed to raise awareness about accessibility and drive organizations to make sure individuals with disabilities have equal access to digital media.

We are partnering with  AccessiBe to offer web audits to any business regardless of its size, resources, and budget, and guide it with its options to address non-compliances.

Benefits for your business

  • Increase your audience by including people with disabilities

  • Acquire more customers with strong loyalty

  • Achieve compliance with minimum costs and efforts

  • Decrease your liability

  • Demonstrate your commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On the benefits of Accessibility for All - Interview of Peter DeHaas, Executive Director of San Francisco Disability Business Alliance.


About AccessiBe

AccessiBe has developed an AI-based widget that can scan your website and suggest improvements or, even better, automatically adjust the website's code to ensure that it is accessible for individuals with different profiles:

  • Seizure Safe Profile

  • Vision Impaired Profile

  • ADHD-Friendly Profile

  • Cognitive Disability Profile

  • Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor)

  • Blind Users Profile (Screen-readers)

AccessiBe offers various pricing plans to address the needs of businesses from small non-profit to larger for-profit enterprises.

If you are a non-profit working for the Disability community, contact us for an introduction to the AccessiBe team.


panel that appear with the various disability profile options

Did you know?

The online challenges for the Disability community

  • Visual impairments: Wrong color combinations or font sizes can make it frustrating or even impossible to view a website

  • Epilepsy: Blinking or flashing elements can trigger a seizure

  • Cognitive impairments: Complex content, slang and abbreviations can generateconfusing and frustrating experiences

  • Blindness: Navigation depends on a screen reader which describes what is being represented on the screen and can become inconsistent and useless with poor coding and lack of captions

  • Motor impairments: Nagivation depends on keyboard for which most websites are not optimized and elements such as popups, forms or menus won’t respond to keyboard actions

Automated Adjustments, Big Impacts

  • accessWidget utilizes two applications that work together to remediate your website

  • The accessibility interface is responsible for the UI and design-related adjustments (colors, contrasts, fonts, font sizes, flashing, etc)

  • The AI-powered process handles the complex requirements - optimization for screen readers and keyboard navigation