Disability-Owned Business EnAbler

We are here to help you develop, grow and sustain your Disability-Owned Business through education, consulting, mentoring, referrals, resource finding and accessibility.

This program is developed in partnerships with the California Department of Occupational Rehabilitation (DOR) and Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

How we help:

  • Assist with access to knowledge, resources, and tools tailored to your unique needs and challenges.

  • Match businesses to the appropriate providers

  • Educate about financial literacy and improve access to capital

  • Develop peer to peer mentoring opportunities

  • Advise on preferential certifications

  • Provide an incubator space for business development and entrepreneurial opportunities

1:1 assistance to disabled entrepreneurs

What you can expect

  • Access to a repository of resources and help to find the ones that best fit your business

  • Guidance on how to navigate the administrative systems

  • Technical assistance using digital platforms and tools

  • Consulting to build a digital presence and sales channels

  • 1:1 assistance on demand from the Alliance

  • Networking opportunities with cohorts, mentors and sponsors

  • Become part of a dynamic business community

A guide to relevant recources